Allowing Staff To Generate Their Own Pay Stubs & User Invoices
By default, a staff member (trainee/staff member or user) cannot generate their own pay stub/invoice. To allow them to create their own pay stub/invoice, you will want to check the "Generate Own Pay Stubs" or "Generate Own Invoices" row for the appropriate column box in Staff Permissions, which can be found in Settings > Staff/User Settings > Permissions.
If a staff member/user wants to generate their own pay stub/invoice, they will navigate from the main menu on the left-hand side of their screen to Staff/Users > My Pay and click on the "Pay Stubs" or "Invoices" tab.
Note: As a reminder, staff members/users will need to use the dashboard to generate their invoices on a web browser on their desktop or a mobile browser on their mobile device.

When a staff member/user clicks "Generate Invoice" or "Generate Pay Stub", they will see this screen:
You'll notice what is missing is the payout options when you generate invoices as an administrator:
These will be automatically set based on the settings you have configured in Staff Settings under "Staff Pay Stub Defaults" or "User Invoice Defaults".