Time To Pet Billing & Pricing

Time To Pet offers three distinct pricing plans tailored to meet the varying needs of pet care businesses:

  1. Solo Plan: At $45 USD per month, this plan is ideal for solo pet care businesses with one active user - the account owner.
  2. Team Plan: Designed for pet care businesses with multiple active users, the Team Plan costs $35 USD per month for the account, with an additional $15 per active user. Read on to understand how active users are calculated.
  3. Lite Plan: Priced at $20 USD per month, the Lite Plan caters to solo pet care businesses, similar to the Solo Plan. However, it offers a scaled-back version of features compared to the Solo Plan. For a detailed comparison between the Solo and Lite plans, see the Time To Pet Pricing page.

Time To Pet operates on a Software as a Service (SaaS) model, billing customers at the end of each billing period based on their usage. This post-billing system ensures that you are only charged for the users you utilized in the last month. At the close of each billing period, we calculate the total number of active users your company had and process the payment accordingly.

How Active Users Are Calculated

In Time To Pet, the calculation of active users is designed to accurately reflect the engagement of staff members and administrators within your pet care business. Here's how we determine active users:

An active user is any staff member or trainee with at least one scheduled service during the billing period. Additionally, individuals listed as office managers or administrators are considered active users, recognizing their pivotal role in managing the business, even if they're not actively providing services in the field. It's important to note that clients are not counted as active users, and there's no limit to the number of clients your account can have.

Let's illustrate this with an example:

Consider ABC Pet Sitting, which joins Time To Pet on March 15th. Their team comprises:

  • Jane Smith: Office Manager without scheduled services.
  • John Doe: Administrator who completes a few services daily.
  • Chris Johnson: Staff member scheduled for 12 services per week.
  • Mike Williams: Staff member with no scheduled services.

Their first billing period spans from March 15th to April 14th, with payment due April 15th. On this date, ABC Pet Sitting's bill is calculated as follows:

Base Rate ($35) + Active Users:

  • Jane Smith (Office Manager, no scheduled services): $15
  • John Doe (Administrator, a few scheduled services): $15
  • Chris Johnson (Staff, scheduled services): $15
  • Mike Williams: (Staff, no scheduled services): $0

Total Due: $35 + $15 + $15 + $15 = $80

Note that Mike Williams wasn't charged as he had no scheduled services during the billing period. There's no necessity to remove or mark him as inactive to avoid charges. Jane Smith, despite not directly providing services, was counted as an active user due to her role as an Office Manager in Time To Pet.


Q: Is There a Cost for Text Messaging?

There is a $10 USD monthly fee to enable text messaging and reserve a phone number. Please review our Text Messaging Billing section for more details.

Q: Do You Offer An Annual Plan?

Time To Pet does offer an annual plan for the Solo and Lite plans. We do not offer an annual plan for the Team plan.

Q: Is There A Contract?

Time To Pet is a no-obligation service that you are free to cancel at any time if you are unsatisfied. You can even cancel in the middle of your billing period, and we will waive your final month's payment. If you have paid for an annual plan, Time To Pet can refund you for any unused months that you have pre-paid.

Q: What If I Add Staff When On The Solo or Lite Plans?

On the Dolo and Team plans, we will automatically calculate your active users at the end of each billing period and charge accordingly. For example – if you have two active staff members in January, your account will be charged the Team plan rate. If you only have one active staff member (yourself) in February, you will be charged the Solo plan rate.

If you have pre-paid for a Solo annual plan and add additional staff members before the year ends, we will use the credit you pre-paid for and apply this to your monthly fee. When you have used up all of your credit, monthly payments will resume at the normal plan rate.

You cannot add staff members to the Lite plan, and you'll need to upgrade to Solo from the Billing section of your account in order to add additional staff members.

Q: Where Can I View My Past Subscription Payments? 

You can access your billing history from the Billing section of your account. On desktop and laptop devices, click the profile image in the upper right corner and then click "Billing". On smaller devices, click the menu icon in the upper left corner, click "My Account" and then "Billing".

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