Change And Cancellation Requests As A Client

If you have client change and cancellation requests configured as "Client Makes Request Against Specific Visits" in your Portal Settings, clients will have the ability to select the visits they would like to change or cancel directly from the client portal or mobile app. 

In This Article

Change/Cancellation Requests Within The Client Portal

Clients can make changes to specific events by selecting the event on their calendar, or in the list below their calendar.

Client Portal calendar with an event selected and an arrow pointing to the Request Changes button

Scheduled services list in Client Portal with Make Changes button

After selecting the "Make Changes" button, they'll see a pop-up window where they can cancel or request changes to the event.

Request Change To This Visit pop up window with option to cancel or request changes

If requesting a cancellation, the client can leave their reason for the cancellation in the text box and select "Confirm Cancellation Request" to submit. If set to auto-approve, the cancellation will be accepted immediately. Otherwise, the client will receive a message that their request is being reviewed. 

Request Change To Visit pop up window to send message to admin team

When selecting "Request Changes To Event," clients will be taken to a screen where they can edit the date, time, service, pets, or notes for the event. 

Request Changes To Visit window to make changes to service and send message to admin team

After submitting the changes, they will receive a message that their request is being reviewed. 

Pop up thank you message after submitting change or cancellation request

The pending request will now show with a yellow banner in the Scheduled events list until approved or denied. 

Image of a requested event in a pending status

Clients can see the details of their pending requests at the top of the Schedule page as well. 

Details of a client's pending request

Change/Cancellation Requests Within The Mobile App

Time To Pet now makes it easy for clients to select the visit they’d like to change or cancel within the Mobile App. Within their schedule, they’ll see a pencil icon that can be selected to make their request.

Mobile App screenshot with arrow pointing to the pencil icon to edit the service

A smaller window will appear where they’ll choose whether or not they want to cancel the visit or make a change.

Mobile app view for requesting changes with window for options to cancel or change the visit

If requesting a change, on the next screen, they can edit the date, time, service, time block, pets, or any notes on the event.

Request Changes to event screen with options to make changes to event

If needing to cancel a visit, they’ll simply select the visit they’d like to cancel and leave any necessary notes.

Request a change screen to send admin a message to cancel or change the event

Visits can also be cancelled in bulk using the pencil icon in the upper right section of the Schedule page.

Mobile app view of schedule page with arrow pointing to pencil icon in upper right section of the page

A notification will appear to let them know the request is being processed. If cancellations are set to auto-approve, they'll receive a notification immediately. 

Request approved pop up window to confirm that the cancelled visit request was automatically approved

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