Viewing Notifications On Your Mobile Device

Stay connected and informed with Time To Pet's push notifications. This guide is here to shed light on how and where these notifications will show up on your mobile device, tailored to your operating system—Apple iOS or Android.

Notifications on Apple iOS Devices

Apple iPhones support four different types of notifications: Lock Screen, Notification Center, Banner, and Badges. You can enable and disable notifications and customize which types you want to receive from your iPhone's Settings App by navigating to Notifications > Time To Pet:

iphone notification settings for time to pet app

Lock Screen Notifications

Lock screen notifications appear on your phone's lock screen. You can view these notifications by picking up your phone or tapping on the screen.

iphone lock screen

With Lock Screen notifications, you can:

  • Tap a single notification to open the Time To Pet App and bring you to the relevant screen.
  • Tap a group of notifications to view all recent notifications from Time To Pet. 
  • Swipe left on a notification to manage alerts for Time To Pet or to clear the notification.

Notification Center

You can open the Notification Center on your iPhone by swiping down from the top center edge of the screen when your phone is unlocked or by swiping up from the center of the screen when the phone is locked.

iphone notification center


When your phone is unlocked, your Time To Pet notifications will appear as a banner at the top of your screen. Depending on your iPhone settings, these notifications may disappear automatically, or you may need to swipe them away manually.

iphone banner notification


When Badge notifications are enabled, the Time To Pet App will show a badge with a count of how many unread notifications are waiting for you to review.

Note: If you would like to learn more about Apple device notifications, you can visit Apple's help article on Using Notifications On Your iPhone or iPad.

Notifications on Android Devices

Notifications on Android devices may vary depending on the specific make, model, and Android version you're using. However, in general, Android supports three different types of notifications: Lock Screen, Status Bar, and Dot.

Lock Screen Notifications

When you have a notification from Time To Pet, you'll see either the Time To Pet logo icon or a banner-type preview on your lock screen. You can tap the icon or banner to expand the notification for more details.

Status Bar Notifications

When you have a notification from Time To Pet, your status bar in the upper left corner will display the Time To Pet logo icon. You can pull down from the icon for more details about your notifications.

Dot/Badge Notifications

When you have notifications from Time To Pet, a red dot (or a red dot with a number) will be displayed on the Time To Pet App icon. You can tap and hold on the dot to view more details about the notifications.

Note: If you would like to learn more about Android device notifications, you can visit Google's help article on Controlling Notifications On Android.

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