My Pay

This is a general overview of the My Pay area in the Time To Pet Dashboard and Time To Pet App for staff.

Important Note: Companies have different settings and configurations, so you or your staff may see different data in each section. Still, the functionality of each section is generally the same. 


Estimated Pay

(Available on the Dashboard only)From the My Pay section of the Dashboard, Staff has an "Estimate" tab that shows estimated pay for their scheduled events. This should not be used for exact pay; this is simply an estimate.

View of My Pay - Estimate tab

Pay Stubs/Invoices

(Available on the Dashboard and App)After Pay Stubs or Invoices have been generated, they can be viewed here. 

View of My Pay - Invoices tab


(Available on the Dashboard and App)After tips have been disbursed, users can see which clients left how much of a tip from the My Pay → Tips section. 

View of My Pay - Tips tab


(Available on the Dashboard only)Staff can see their pay rates for each type of service under the Rates tab. 

View of My Pay - Rates tab

Time & Mileage

(Available on the Dashboard Only)Staff can see their Time Shift data and Mileage data under the Time & Mileage tab. 

Viewing Pay And Tips On The Mobile App

Pay details can be accessed through the "My Pay" option in the side menu.

To open the side menu in the Mobile App, tap the three lines in the upper left-hand corner.

mobile app screenshot with arrow pointing to the three horizontal bars in upper left corner

Once the menu is visible, tap "My Pay".

mobile app view of the side menu will arrow pointing to the my pay option

On the following page, you'll be able to access histories for Pay Stubs and Tips.

Mobile app screenshots of the pay stubs and tip histories

Viewing Your History of Events

(Available on the Dashboard and App)Staff can view a history of scheduled and completed events from the My Schedule section of the Dashboard or the Agenda section of the mobile app.

View of My Schedule

Staff app agenda view

In the app, "Show Completed Events" can be enabled or disabled from the "Settings" section of the app to show completed events on the main schedule screen. The staff member can only set this on their end through the app.

Staff app setting section with red box around show completed events setting

If enabled, completed events will be shown on the main schedule screen, identifiable by the green banner and checkmark at the top of each completed event:

Staff app schedule screen with red box and arrow pointing to green banner at top of completed event

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