Moving Services Between Invoices
In Time To Pet, scheduled events are intrinsically linked to invoices. Each event that is scheduled for a client becomes a line item on an invoice. This makes it extremely easy to automatically generate invoices and bill your clients. However, there may come a time that you accidentally add multiple groups of events to the same invoice, and you'd like to move some of those events to a new or different invoice. In this article, we'll explain how you can move events from one invoice to another.
Check out this video from our Customer Experience Team on how to move services to a new invoice! You can also check out this video on Moving Events To An Existing Invoice!
Moving Events To An Existing Invoice
To move events from one invoice to another existing invoice, we need to load the destination service order in the Scheduler.
Note: The "destination" service order is the service order you want to move the events to.
Loading The Destination Service Order
From The Client Profile
- Visit the client’s profile.
- Click on the "Services/Invoices" tab.
- Find the destination invoice in the table and click the “Calendar” link.
From The Invoice List
- Visit the Invoice List
- Find the invoice in the table and click the “Calendar” link.
From The Scheduler
- On the calendar, find an existing event that is part of the destination service order.
- Click on the event to bring up the quick info popup.
- Select the three-bar icon to open the service order.
Any of the above three methods will open the destination service order, and we can begin moving services into it.
Claiming Services Onto The Destination Service Order
To begin, click the "Claim Existing Services" button next to the invoice number:
A new window will pop up, asking you if you'd like to "Claim In Bulk" or "Claim individual Services". If you have only a few events to claim (five or fewer) that are close together on the calendar, it may be quickest to claim events one at a time using the "Claim Individual Services" option. If you need to claim several events (six or more), it may be quickest to use the "Claim In Bulk" option.
Claiming Individual Services
To claim individual services, click the blue "Claim Individual Services" button.
The pop-up window will disappear, and you are now in "Claim Mode" on the Scheduler. Click on an event you want to move into the destination service order, and you'll see the option to "Claim This Service". Clicking this button will move the event into the service order.
Repeat this with all of the events you want to move into the service order, and when you're finished, click "Finish Claiming Services" on the service order:
Note: Events cannot be moved to different clients. When in "Claim Mode", Time To Pet will automatically filter the schedule to show only events for the same client. When you finish claiming, Time To pet will revert the calendar to how it was before.
Claiming Services In Bulk
You can also claim services in bulk by selecting all of the events within a specified date range. To do this, after clicking “Claim Existing Services” on the service order, click the "Claim In Bulk" button:
The Bulk Claim screen will open. Here, enter the date range from which you want to pull events from, then click "Search For Events":
Once a list of events has been returned, you can then pick and choose which events you wish to claim. To select all at once, click the “Check All/None” button.
When ready, click the “Bulk Claim Events” button. You will then see the "Status" column populate with a "Success" tag as each event is successfully claimed:
Once all of the events are successfully claimed, you can close the window to return to the service order.
Moving Events To A New/Blank Invoice
To move events to a new, blank invoice, you will first need to create a new, blank invoice. To do this, navigate to the Scheduler and click "Schedule Client":
Select the client and click "Continue":
Select "New Invoice" then click "Continue":
A new, blank invoice/service order will be created. From here, you can click the "Claim Existing Services" button and proceed to claim existing services as described above in Claiming Services Onto The Destination Service Order.
Q: How do I combine a Template invoice with a non-Template invoice?
To add non-Template events to Template invoices, you will first need to approve each period of the Template through the date(s) you want to add the non-Template events to (see our help doc on Manually Approving Future Templates for instructions). Then, you can follow the steps above for Moving Events To An Existing Invoice/Service Order.