Blocking Service Order Requests

Through Schedule Blocks, you can configure what times of the day are available to your clients for service requests.

You also can block clients' ability to request services in certain schedule blocks on future days or from entire days in the future. If a schedule block or an entire day is blocked, your clients will not be able to request service in that schedule block or on that day from their portal or from their client App. However, you will still be able to schedule events for them. Blocking days or schedule blocks does not affect events that are already scheduled during that time or pending template events, it simply prevents new requests from being requested. 

Client service request form with No Times Available under the time section

Blocking Time From Service Requests

Blocking a schedule block or an entire day from service requests is easy and can be done directly from your Scheduler.

  1. Navigate to the Scheduler. 
  2. Locate the red button labeled “Block Requests” on the upper left side of the Scheduler and click it.

  3. A popup window will appear. Select the day you wish to block. Once you have selected a date, you can choose to block the entire day or a single Schedule Block from that day. 

    Block Service Requests Options Screen

  4. The popup window will disappear, and if you blocked an entire day, that day will be marked with a header labeled “Service Day Blocked".

Image of the Scheduler showing the blocked service day

If you only block a schedule block - you will see a similar event on your calendar.

Blocked Service Day On Calendar

Deleting a Service Request Block

  1. Locate the day or schedule block that has been blocked on your calendar.
  2. Click on the event for that day or schedule block. A new popup will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete. 

    delete service block confirmation window

  3. Confirm that you want to delete by clicking the button labeled “Yes, Delete Service Block”.
  4. Your calendar will refresh and now indicate that the day is available for service requests.
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