Adding A Manual Payment To An Invoice (Cash, Check, Or Other Payment Outside Of TTP)

If you are not connected to one of the credit card processors in Time To Pet, or you collect payment from a client outside of Time To Pet (via cash, check, or another form of payment), you will need to manually log the payments you receive from outside of Time To Pet to mark invoices as paid. In this article, we'll show you how to do just that!

Check out this video from our Customer Experience Team on charging client cards and adding manual payments!

To add a manual payment, open the Edit Invoice screen and click the "Add Payment" button in the lower left-hand corner:

screenshot of edit invoice screen with red arrow pointing to add payment button

After clicking "Add Payment," you will see one of two windows. If the client has an open payment on their account, you'll be prompted to apply the open payment first:

apply existing payment window

Note: You can read more about open payments and credits in our help doc Understanding Open Payments And Credits In Time To Pet

If the client doesn't have any open payments, you'll be brought directly to the "Create & Apply New Payment" window. Here, you will add the type, amount of the payment you received, the date you received the payment, and a description of the payment if needed. For example, a description can include a check number or "paid by cash":

Screenshot of manual payment window with options for payment type and fields shown

When the payment type is set to "Other," you'll be shown a "Name" field that can be used to further identify the payment, such as its source or method:

screenshot of manual payment options and fields with the

NOTE: At this time, the payment "Type" and "Name" details will not be visible with the client invoice or with a payment record. If you would like the payment method details to be visible in your records, you will need to add this information to the "Description" field.

After the invoice has been paid in full, it will be marked as "Paid." If the client has only paid part of the invoice, it will be marked as "Partially Paid."

To add manual payments to multiple invoices at one time, take a look at our Bulk Invoicing help doc. 

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