Applying And Redeeming Client Credit

You can apply a credit to a client’s account for redemption at a later date. We will remind you when scheduling services and adding payments to an invoice that the client has an open credit so that you never again forget to apply an existing credit.

Note: A "credit" in Time To Pet is a monetary amount on a client's account that you don't receive actual compensation for (for example, giving a client credit for referring a new customer). If a client has overpaid or canceled pre-paid services, you do not need to create a credit; Time To Pet will automatically create an "open payment" for these scenarios. If you would like more information, you can see our help article on Understanding Open Payments And Credits.

Adding Credit To Client Account

  1. Navigate to the client’s profile page.
  2. Click the “Services/Invoices” tab.
  3. Click directly on the current credit balance:

screenshot of client profile services/invoices tab with red arrow pointing to credit balance

A new screen will display the entire credit history for this client. Click the “Adjust Credit Balance” button in the top center of the screen.

screenshot of client credit balance with red arrow pointing to adjust credit balance button

In the next screen, enter the amount you'd like to add to their credit balance and add a note, then click "Save Adjustment":

screenshot of client credit adjustment screen with red box around adjustment box note box and save and close buttons

Applying Available Credit To A Client Invoice

You can apply a client's credit to an invoice from three places.

When Scheduling Services For A Client

If you open the service order to an open invoice for the client, you'll see a note that the client has an available credit with a link to apply it to the invoice.

screenshot of service order with red arrow poingint to credit notice and link to apply it to invoice

Click “Apply to this invoice.” A new popup window will appear where you can select how much credit to apply to the invoice.

screenshot of apply credit to invoice window

When Adding Payment To An Invoice

When adding a manual payment to an invoice using the "Add Payment" button on the Edit Invoice screen, Time To Pet will remind you that there is an available credit on the account with a button to apply it:

screenshot of edit invoice screen with red arrow pointing to add payment button

screenshot of apply exisiting payment window

Using Bulk Invoicing

To apply available credits to open invoices for multiple clients at one time, navigate to Invoicing > Bulk Invoicing and click the “Credit” tab. All clients that have a credit balance greater than $0 and at least one open invoice will be listed. There will be one row for each open invoice. Review how much you want to apply to each invoice, then select the invoices that you want to apply the credit to, and click the “Apply Credit To Invoices” button.

screenshot of bulk invoicing apply credit tab with red boxes around apply credit to invoices button checkbox and credit to apply box

Removing Credit From A Client Account

To remove a credit (not an Open Payment) from a client account, you can follow the steps for adding credit, but instead, add a negative amount. For example, if you need to remove a $50.00 credit, you can add credit for "-50.00" to bring the client's credit balance to $0.

Credit Balance Screen showing credit and negative credit for same amount, client balance is zero


Q: How can I set a credit to expire after a certain number of days?

There is no way to set credits to expire, but you can definitely set a Task to remind you to remove the credit on a specific date. Check out our help doc on Tasks for more info.

Q: How can I see a list of clients that have available credit on their accounts?

You can run a report from Reporting > Staff & Clients > Clients tab and add the filter "Clients With Credit".

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