Setting Legacy Rates for Existing Clients When Raising Rates For New Clients

The Bulk Custom Client Rates Tool allows you to set or remove custom rates for clients in bulk. Common uses for this tool are when you want to keep your existing clients at their current prices when raising rates for new clients or when you want to do a small rate increase for existing clients when doing a larger rate increase for new clients.

You can also use this tool to download a complete list of your company's services and the rates you are currently charging each of your clients. You can do so by clicking the "Download Full Service Rate List" button. A CSV file will then be downloaded to your device.

screenshot of bulk custom client rates tab with a box aroudn the download full service rate list button

In this example, the current rate for both Dog Walking and Pet Sitting is $20, and we’ll be raising both to $25 for new clients, while for existing clients, the Dog Walking rate will not increase, and the Pet Sitting rate will increase by only $2.

View of Services List Tab

To make it easy to see which accounts belong to new or existing clients, we have a sample client named “Existing Client," and later, we’ll be creating another sample client named “New Client”.

As you can see, Existing Client’s rates are currently at the $20 default rates for each service.

screenshot of client profile with red box around custom rates

If you were to change the default rates in the Main Services List to the rates for new clients right now, it would also change Existing Client’s rates to the new rates. So before making those rate changes for new clients, you need to set custom rates for all existing clients using the Bulk Rate tool in Advanced Settings -> Bulk Custom Client Rates. To keep the Dog Walking rate the same, click the “Set” button without making any changes to the “New Cost”, and to increase the Pet Sitting rate by $2, enter $22 as the “New Cost” and then click the “Set” button.

screenshot of bulk custom client rate editor with red box around pet sitting cost and red box around set buttons

Now when you look at Existing Client’s rates, the rate for Dog Walking has stayed at $20, the rate for Pet Sitting has increased to $22, and there’s a “Use Default” option next to both rates which means that Existing Client’s rates are custom rates and will no longer be affected by changes to the default rates of the services in the Main Services List.

screenshot of client profile - Rates tab

Next, to set the new rates for new clients, go to the Main Services List and update the default rate for each service to the new rate.

screenshot of services list

If you go back to Existing Client’s account now, you'll see their rates are unchanged.

Now you can create a new client account.

View Of Adding A New Client Screen

And as you can see, New Client’s rates are at the new $25 default service rates.


Most pet sitters don’t keep their existing client’s legacy rates forever. If later on, you want to end the legacy rates for existing clients and have them start paying the same rates as new clients, you can go back to Advanced Settings -> Bulk Custom Client Rates, and click the “Remove All Customizations” button for each service.

bulk custom client rate tool showing service list and an arrow pointing to the remove all customizations button

Now, when you look at Existing Client’s rates, they’re at the new $25 default service rates.

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