Advanced Notifications Settings

Check out this video from our Customer Experience Team on advanced notification settings!

Company Notifications

This setting will enable or disable notifications (emails, app notifications, and text messages) from being delivered to your entire company, including clients and staff. This is most commonly used by new companies who are testing Time To Pet during their free trial.

Image of Company Notifications setting with dropdown for enabling and disabling

Staff Receive Notifications For

staff receive notifications for setting

Scheduled Clients And Clients They Are Preferred Sitters For

This is the default option. Staff will receive notifications for any client they have ever been scheduled for and all clients they are listed as a preferred sitter for in the client's "Details" tab.

Clients They Are Preferred Sitters For

Staff will only receive notifications about clients they are listed as a preferred sitter for in the client's "Details" tab.

Clients They Are Scheduled For

Staff will only receive notifications for any client they have ever been scheduled for. 

Staff Must Have A Scheduled Event For Client Within:

The staff member can receive the notification anytime or within one, two, three, seven, fourteen, or thirty days of the scheduled event. This refers to the number of days before or after the scheduled event.

Image showing dropdown menu options for when staff must have a scheduled event with the client

Include System Notification In Conversation Feed

If enabled, Time To Pet will copy invoice notifications, schedule confirmation notifications, welcome emails, and payment notifications emails to the Client Conversation field. These are only visible by admin/office managers with the correct permissions.

Image of option to include System Notifications in the Conversation Feed with dropdown menu of options to enable or disable feature

Schedule Report

When enabled, Time To Pet will send all admins a summary of the entire company’s schedule every day.

Image of Schedule Report setting with dropdown menu of options to enable or disable this feature

Schedule Report Days

This setting allows you to configure how many days’ worth of events will be included in the Schedule Report. This is most commonly set to 7 days.

Image of Schedule Report Days setting with dropdown menu of options of how many days to include

Schedule Staff Notifications

This setting controls if staff members are sent schedule notifications always or only if the schedule change is on the current day.

Image of Schedule Staff Notifications setting with dropdown menu of options to send always or on the same day of the event


Send notifications to the affected sitters every time an event is scheduled, updated, or deleted, regardless of when that event is scheduled.

Same Day

Send a notification only when the updated event is scheduled on the current day.

Daily Staff Schedule Emails

This setting controls when all staff members who have scheduled events are sent their daily staff schedule email. You can also trigger this email to be sent now.

Image of Daily Staff Schedule Emails setting showing dropdown menus of days and times to send this email

Next Help Article: Email Logs

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