When Time To Pet Emails Your Clients

One of Time To Pet’s greatest features is how it automates and integrates many tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming and tedious. This automation often raises questions about when Time To Pet will send an email to your clients. Time To Pet takes a very conservative approach and follows the principle of “Less Is More” when it comes to emailing your clients.

The following is a comprehensive list of when Time To Pet will send an email to your clients. As you can see, there are very few times we will send an email to your clients without a manual action initiating the email (for example, when you click “Email Invoice To Client”).

Note: Emails described here will be sent to both the primary email address and the CC email address listed on the client profile under the "Details" tab.

  1. A message is sent to your client via the messaging features (this includes conversation feed and private feed messages) or after completing a service and opting to leave a message. This message includes the subject line "Staff Member with Business Name Has Left You A New Message."
  2. A confirmation is sent after approving/rejecting service order requests from the client. This message includes the subject line "Your Requested Services Have Been Approved", "Some Of Your Requested Services Need Attention", or "We Are Unable To Approve Your Requested Services", depending on whether you approve all requested services, some of the requested services, or none of the requested services.
  3. A confirmation is sent after approving/rejecting change or cancellation requests from the client. This message includes the subject line "Your Requested Changes Have Been Approved", "Some Of Your Requested Changes Need Attention", "We Are Unable To Approve Your Requested Changes", depending on whether you approve all requested changes, some of the requested changes, or none of the requested changes.
  4. After a client initiates a credit card payment themselves, we will send a confirmation of successful payment. This message includes the subject line of "You have successfully submitted a payment of $Amount"
  5. After an admin, office manager or Automatic Charging successfully charges the client’s card, we will email the client confirmation of the charge. This message includes the subject line of "A payment was submitted on your behalf in the amount of $Amount"
  6. If Automatic Charging is enabled, on the day prior to an invoice being automatically charged, we will send an email reminder to the client 24 hours before the charge is scheduled to occur. This message includes the subject line "Reminder: Your Invoices Will Be Charged Soon"
  7. You manually select “Email To Client” on an invoice. This message includes the subject line "Invoice From Business Name"
  8. The client initiates an email themselves from the portal, such as “Reset My Password” or “Activate Account”. These messages include the subject line "Time To Pet Password Reset" and "Business Name Account Needs Activation"
  9. When adding a client to your account, there is a checkbox asking if you would like to have an activation email (this activation email has instructions on how to activate their portal account) sent to them. This message includes the subject line "Welcome To Business Name"
  10. From a client’s profile, you select Quick Actions -> Send Portal Instructions to re-send the instructions on how to access their portal. This message includes the subject line "Welcome To Business Name "
  11. From the Scheduler, when you select "Send Confirmation" an email will be sent with a summary of all events that are part of that Invoice. This message includes the subject line "Your Services Have Been Confirmed by Business Name"

To further clarify, here are examples of when we do not email your clients:

  1. We never automatically email an invoice to your clients.
  2. Making changes on your scheduler will never notify the affected client.
  3. Updating a client’s details or pet details will never result in a notification email to the Client.

If you ever have any questions about when we email your clients, please feel free to get in touch. We often recommend creating a ‘dummy’ client for new Time To Pet customers with your own email address. This will allow you to sign in to your Client Portal just like a normal client would and experience everything as they would.

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