Using The Client Conversation Feed
Every client has a dedicated Conversation Feed where you can communicate directly with each client. The Conversation Feed will store a complete history of every message sent and received.
By default, messages sent through the client's Conversation Feed will be delivered by email. If your company has Text Messaging enabled, these messages can also be delivered by text message. Similarly, if you have Text Messaging enabled, your client can text your company number, and the message will be automatically added to their Conversation Feed.
Sending A Message To A Client
To send a message to a client, first visit their profile. The first tab listed will be their Conversation Feed:
To add a new message, click on the box labeled "Add a Message...":
Begin typing your message. You can also add any number of attachments by clicking the "Attachment" button. You can also remove attached files by clicking the "Remove Image" link under each attachment.
You can add messages to the client's Conversation Feed with the following visibilities:
Client, Staff & Admin: All staff, admin, and the client can view this message.
Staff & Admin Only: The client will not be able to view this message. It is a private note for admins and staff.
Admin Only: Only visible to admins.
If you have Text Messaging enabled and your client has texting enabled, you will also have the option to select how this message is delivered:
When your message is ready, click the "Send" button.
Deleting A Message To A Client
To delete a message, navigate to the client's conversation feed, locate the message you want to delete and click "Remove Message".
To view a history of deleted messages, click on the History tab on any client's profile -> then click the Conversations tab.
Please note if an email notification is sent and a message is deleted, there is no way to delete the delivered email notification that was sent. Deleting a message just removes it from the client's conversation feed.
Using The Conversation Feed In The Mobile App
To access a client's Conversation Feed from the mobile app, navigate to your client list by tapping the "Clients" option from the menu at the bottom of the page. You'll then select a client from the list, which will take you to their profile.
Once on the client's profile, tap the "Chat" option at the bottom of the page.
On the following page will be the cleints conversation feed. This will show any messages or reports that have been delivered to the client. To send a new message tab the "New Button" near the bottom of the page.
You'll then be brought to a page where you'll be able to enter a message and send any attachments. Once your message is ready, tap the "Send" option at the bottom of the page.
If you are an Admin or an Office Manager, you'll also have the option to schedule your message. To schedule a message, tap the clock icon next to the "Send" button.