Automatic After Hours Fees

Time To Pet can be configured to automatically apply additional fees to a service that is scheduled outside of your normal working hours. For example, you can set each service up to charge an additional 10% if an event is scheduled before 7am or after 7pm.

Configuring Automatic After Hours Fees

  1. Navigate to Services.
  2. Create a new service or click to edit an existing service.
  3. Click on the 'Auto Fees' tab.   

    screenshot of service with red arrow pointing to auto fees tab

  4. Change "After Hours Enabled?" to "Yes, I Charge Extra After Hours Fees", then the configuration options for After Hours fee will become visible. Here, you will set your work hours, the additional fee charged to the client, and the staff rate for the After Hours fee. Remember to click "Save Changes" when you're done.

Note: After Hours fees will be applied to events of this service type if they start outside of your "Work Hours". In other words, the times shown in gray on the slider are when After Hours fees will be applied.

Auto Fee Stacking

Below the settings for After Hours and Weekend Fees, you'll find the Auto Fee Stacking section. Here, you have the option to decide if both After Hours and Weekend Fees should be applied to events that qualify for both fees or if only one should be applied. You can also choose whether to pay staff for both fees or just one of them. Additionally, you can specify if Auto Fees should be added to events on Holidays and whether staff should be paid for Auto Fees on Holidays.

Stack Auto Fees For Clients?

When set to "Yes, Stack Auto Fees For Clients", if an event meets the conditions for both a Weekend and After Hours fee, both fees will be added automatically.

When set to "No", if an event meets the conditions for both a Weekend and After Hours fee, only the preferred fee selected here will be added automatically.

Add Auto Fees On Holidays?

When set to "Yes, Automatically Add Auto Fees On Holidays", Auto Fees will be added to events on Holidays.

When set to "No, Do Not Automatically Add Auto Fees On Holidays", Auto Fees will not be added to events on Holidays.

Stack Auto Fees For Staff?

When set to "Yes, Stack Auto Fees For Staff", staff will be paid for both a Weekend and After Hours fee if an event meets the conditions for both.

When set to "No", if an event meets the conditions for both a Weekend and After Hours fee, only the preferred fee selected here will be paid to staff.

Pay Staff Auto Fees On Holidays?

When set to "Yes, Automatically Pay Staff Auto Fees On Holidays", staff will be paid for Auto Fees and Holidays.

When set to "No, Do Not Automatically Pay Staff Auto Fees On Holidays", staff will only be paid for Holidays and will not be paid for Weekend and After Hours Fees.

Note: For a more in-depth overview of how Auto Fee Stacking behaves in various scenarios, such as moving scheduled events in and out of qualifying conditions or changing the status of an event, check out our Advanced Auto Fee Stacking Guide.

Manually Adding/Editing After Hours Fees On Events

Once you have configured After Hours fees, Time To Pet will automatically apply them to all new events scheduled outside of the work hours you set. You can, however, manually add, remove, or adjust the fee for any individual event.

When editing an event, the After Hours fee will be listed under the "Extras" section:

Extras section when editing a visit showing the

Any change you make here will be reflected on the invoice immediately after saving your change.

Note: You can also use the Bulk Edit tool to edit the After Hours fee for multiple events at one time. For help using this tool, visit our Bulk Edit help article.


Q: How do After Hours fees appear on client invoices?

After Hours fees charged to the client will be shown as a separate line item on the client's invoice with the Title "After Hours".

Q: Do After Hours fees stack with Weekend fees?

After Hours fees stack with Weekend fees. If both After Hours and Weekend fees are enabled, and a visit is scheduled outside of work hours on a weekend, both fees will be applied.

Q: How do percentage-based fees work with the After Hours fees feature?

Percentage-based client fees will be calculated based on the amount of the primary service and will use the dollar amount of the invoice item for this primary service.

  • This means that anything that affects the primary service's price, such as manually editing the line item, frequency-based discounts, and customized rates for the client, will be taken into account before calculating the percentage charged for the after-hours fee.
  • Add-on services are not taken into account for % based rate calculation.       

Q: Can I customize what staff are paid for After Hours services?

You can create custom After Hours rates for staff members. Check out our help article on Staff Pay Rates for more.

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