Staff Pay Rates

Time To Pet provides the tools you need to calculate what to pay your staff/users for the events they complete, which can include extra pay for extra pets, after hours, weekends, and holidays. In this article, we'll review how to set default pay rates that apply to all of your staff members/users as well as how to customize pay rates for any individual staff/users.

IMPORTANT: Time To Pet does not pay your staff/users directly. The settings described in this article are simply tools that will help you calculate what to pay your staff outside of Time To Pet via your payroll processor or another preferred method.

Default Primary Service Pay Rates

When creating or updating a service, you can set a default pay rate for your staff members or users. This determines how much, by default, all staff are paid for that particular service type. For example, you might specify that for "Pet Sitting - 30 Minutes,” you want to pay all staff 50% of the total cost that was charged to the client.

rates section of service setup screen with red arrow pointing to default staff rate

Default Extra Pet Pay Rates

For each service you offer, you can also set how much staff should be paid for extra pets:

rates section of service setup screen with red arrow pointing to staff extra pet rate

Note: For more information on extra pet fees, see our help doc on Automatic Extra Pet Rates.

Default After Hours & Weekend Pay Rates

For each service you offer, you can pay your staff extra for events scheduled outside of your normal business hours as well as events scheduled on the weekends. To do this, open the Auto Fees tab in the service setup screen, enable the fee for After Hours and/or Weekends, and set the default pay rates for each:

service setup screen auto fees tab with red boxes around staff rate for after hours and weekend settings

Note: For more information on After Hours and Weekend Fees, see our help docs on Automatic After Hours Fees and Automatic Weekend Fees.

Auto Fee Stacking

Below the settings for After Hours and Weekend Fees, you'll find the Auto Fee Stacking section. Here, you have the option to decide if staff should be paid for both After Hours and Weekend Fees and whether staff should be paid for Auto Fees on Holidays.

Stack Auto Fees For Staff?

When set to "Yes, Stack Auto Fees For Staff", staff will be paid for both a Weekend and After Hours fee if an event meets the conditions for both.

When set to "No", if an event meets the conditions for both a Weekend and After Hours fee, only the preferred fee selected here will be paid to staff.

Pay Staff Auto Fees On Holidays?

When set to "Yes, Automatically Pay Staff Auto Fees On Holidays", staff will be paid for Auto Fees and Holidays.

When set to "No, Do Not Automatically Pay Staff Auto Fees On Holidays", staff will only be paid for Holidays and will not be paid for Weekend and After Hours Fees.

Note: For a more in-depth overview of how Auto Fee Stacking behaves in various scenarios, such as moving scheduled events in and out of qualifying conditions or changing the status of an event, check out our Advanced Auto Fee Stacking Guide.

Frequency Discount Pay Rates

If you have a frequency discount configured for a service, you can override the Default Primary Service Pay Rate set in the Setup tab. This pay rate will be used if a frequency discount is applied to an event.

Default Holiday Pay Rates

To set a default pay rate for holidays, navigate to Services > Holidays, and set the default pay rate:

holidays tab of services list with red arrow pointing to staff rate for holidays setting

Note: For more information on holiday rates, check out our help doc on Automatic Holiday Rates

Custom Pay Rates

If you have specific staff members that earn a different amount than the defaults you've set above, you can easily customize their individual pay rates from the "Rates" tab of their staff/user profile:

staff profile with red arrow pointing to rates tab

Service-Specific Custom Pay Rates

In this tab, you'll see a section for each service type you offer. Each section details the service's name, how much the default pay rate is, and what this staff member is currently being paid for each type of pay rate. Notice how the staff's "current" rates are editable.

service custom pay rates

To customize any of these pay rates, edit the rate in the “Current” column. Once you have finished editing the rate(s), click the save button at the bottom of the section to save the custom rates.

service custom pay rates with main rate customized and red box around save changes button

Custom Holiday Pay Rates

To set a custom holiday pay rate for your a staff member/user, navigate to the Rates tab of their profile:

rates tab of staff profile with red arrow pointing to holiday rate

Using the input text box and dropdown fields, enter the custom pay rate, then click "Save":

custom holiday rate box with custom rate entered

Custom Client Pay Rates

While not as common, if you have a specific client that you want your staff to be paid a different rate for, you can set a custom pay rate for the client on the Rates tab of the client profile. This rate will override both the default pay rates and any custom pay rates you've set up and will apply to all staff members.

Removing Custom Pay Rates

If you need to remove a custom pay rate so that a staff member/user is paid the default rate again, navigate to the “Rates” tab of the staff/user/client profile and click the “Use Default” button next to the custom rate you want to remove:

service custom pay rates with red box around use default button

custom holiday rate box with red box around use default button

Paying Staff When Clients Paid $0

Flat Rate Staff/Users

If you pay your staff/users a flat rate (and not a percentage) for services and/or extra fees charged to clients, and want them to still receive their usual pay even when a client paid $0 for the service or extra fee, make sure the following options are selected in the "Payout" options when generating pay stubs/invoices:

generate pay stubs screen with red arrow pointing to payout options

Note: You can also set these to be checked by default in Settings > Staff Settings > General.

Percent Rate Staff/Users

If you pay your staff/users a percent rate (and not a flat rate) of services and/or extra fees charged to clients and still want them to receive pay when a client has paid $0 for the service or extra fee, you will need to manually edit the pay stub/invoice prior to finalizing to add pay for the events and fees for which the client was not charged. Check out this section of our help doc on Generating Pay Stubs/Invoices that outlines how to review and edit pay stubs/invoices: Generating/Deleting Pay Stubs/Invoices For Staff/Users - Step Two: Review & Edit

Pay Rates For Hourly Employees

Time To Pet does not support setting an hourly pay rate for staff and does not calculate hourly pay in any capacity. You can use the Time Tracking feature to track employee hours and then export those hours and import them into your payroll processor for hourly pay calculations. For more information on time tracking in Time To Pet, check out our help doc on Time Tracking & Mileage Tracking.

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