Pay Stubs & User Invoices
Time To Pet provides the tools you need to calculate a total of how much to pay your staff for the events they complete based on the pay rates you've set throughout Time To Pet and the tips you've disbursed to them. In this article, we'll review how to generate pay stubs for your staff members.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Time To Pet does not pay your staff directly. The steps described in this article are simply tools that will help you calculate what to pay your staff outside of Time To Pet via your payroll processor or another preferred method.
Terminology Note: If you use independent contractors and not employees, the terminology you see in this article may differ from what your account says. If your Staff Settings are configured to use independent contractors, you will see "users" and "invoices" instead of "staff" and "pay stubs". For this article, we will use the employee terminology "staff" and "paystubs".
Check out this video from our Customer Experience Team on Generating, Editing, and Deleting Pay Stubs!
Pay Stubs Overview
In Time To Pet, pay stubs are reports generated for a specific period of time (usually referred to as a "pay period") that total how much your staff should be paid based on the events they completed during the pay period, the tips that have been disbursed to them since their last pay stub was generated, and any custom line items you add to their pay stub.
It's important to note that Time To Pet does not pay your staff directly. Generating pay stubs is simply a tool that will help you calculate what to pay your staff outside of Time To Pet via your payroll processor or another preferred method.
Who Should Use Pay Stubs?
You should generate pay stubs if:
- You have one or more staff members (other than yourself)
- You pay staff "per piece" or You pay staff an hourly rate
Pay Stubs For Hourly Employees
Pay stubs do not calculate hourly pay for hourly employees. They only calculate "piece-rate" pay for events based on the pay rates you've set throughout Time To Pet. That said, if you accept tips from clients or you use Time To Pet to track your employees' hours, you should still generate pay stubs for your hourly employees. This is because even though you may not need to calculate "piece-rate" pay, generating pay stubs is the only way to clear your staff members' tip balances, which is necessary to accurately track the tips your staff has earned and should be paid out each pay period.
Note: Check out our guide with Best Practices On Using Time To Pet With Hourly Employees for more tips!
Preparation Checklist
Before generating pay stubs, it's important to be sure you've done the following:
- Disburse client tips to your staff (see Disbursing Tips To Staff for instructions)
- Verify your pay rates are set correctly (see Staff Pay Rates for more info)
- If you are generating pay stubs on a day that is included in the pay period you're generating (for example, the pay period is 5/1 - 5/14, and you're generating the pay stubs on 5/14), be sure that:
- All hourly staff has clocked out of their time shifts for the day.
- If you only pay "piece-rate" staff for completed events, be sure all events for that day have been marked complete.
Generating Pay Stubs In Bulk
To generate pay stubs for all of your staff at one time, navigate to Staff > Pay Center and click "Generate Pay Stubs":
Step One: Calculate
After clicking the "Generate Pay Stubs" button, a new window will open with the following options:
Date Range
Also referred to as the "pay period". The dates entered here will determine which events and/or time shifts are added to the pay stub.
If you want to pay staff for incomplete and/or cancelled services, check the corresponding boxes here.
Flat Rate Staff On $0 Services:
- If checked, and the staff pay rate for a service is a flat rate (for example, a flat rate of $15 as compared to a percentage-based rate of 50%), pay will be added for events even if the client paid $0 for it.
- If not checked, pay will not be added for events for which the client paid $0.
Flat Rate Extra Pets Not Charged To Clients:
- If checked, and the staff pay rate for a service is a flat rate (for example, a flat rate of $15 as compared to a percentage-base rate of 50%), pay will be added for each extra pet counted on the event, even if the client paid $0 for it.
- If not checked, pay will not be added for extra pets for which the client paid $0.
Time Tracking
To include time shifts on the pay stub, check this box.
Note: You can set default selections for the "Payout" options in Settings > Staff > General.
Once you've configured the pay stub options as desired, click "Continue To Review".
Step Two: Review & Edit
On the "Review & Edit" screen, you can see a preview of what each staff member's pay stub will include.
Note: The "hours" column will only be visible to companies with Hourly Time Tracking enabled and with the "Include Time Shifts" option selected in Step One.
To review the events included in the pay stub, click the "Edit" button on the pay stub:
In the edit screen, you can override the automatically-calculated pay for any event. You can also add custom line items to the pay stub to add or subtract additional amounts.
- Any edits made to pay stubs will be saved if you click "Save Changes", so you can save your work and return later to finish.
- When adding a custom line item, be sure to date the custom line item with a date that falls within the pay period you want that item included. This will ensure that if you need to save your work and return to it later, it will still be there.
After reviewing each pay stub for accuracy, and completing any edits, click "Continue to Finalize":
Step Three: Finalize
In the final step, you'll be asked if you want to "Email Pay Stubs To Staff?" If yes, check the box. If no, uncheck the box. Then, click "Finalize & Generate Pay Stubs".
Generating Individual Pay Stubs
To generate pay stubs for a single staff member, navigate to the "Pay Stubs" tab of their staff profile and click "Generate Pay Stub:
From here, the steps are similar to that of Generating Pay Stubs In Bulk.
Deleting & Regenerating Pay Stubs
To delete a pay stub, navigate to the staff member's profile and select the "Pay Stubs" tab. This will show all the generated pay stubs for the staff and the option to delete the pay stub.
Note: It is not possible to duplicate a pay stub or to pay staff twice for any single event. If you generate a pay stub for the same date range as a pre-existing one, the new one will only include events that weren't included in the pre-existing pay stub with the same date range.
Generating Pay Stubs For Inactive Staff
If a staff member has been made inactive, you can still generate a pay stub for them from the Pay Stubs tab in their profile. To see a list of inactive staff members, navigate to your Staff List, and click the red "View Inactive Staff" button at the top or bottom of the screen:
Allowing Staff To Generate Their Own Pay Stubs
If you would like to permit your staff members/users to generate their own pay stubs/invoices, read more about how to do that here: Generating Own Pay Stub/Invoice As Staff/User
Sending Pay Data to your Payroll Company
If you would like to send staff pay data to your payroll company, these are the steps for exporting this data:
- From the main Dashboard, go to Staff > Pay Center > Pay Stubs tab
- Enter the pay period date range, then click the “Refresh” button
- Click “Download” and then “Download Summary”
If needing to download data for a specific staff member, this can be done by clicking the arrow icon next to the generated pay stub number.
Q: Can I pay staff or contractors through Time To Pet?
Because Time To Pet is not a payroll processor, we don't offer the ability to pay staff through the software. All money received through Time To Pet will be deposited into your saved payout method, and you will need to use a payroll processor or another method to pay your staff.
Q: What if I generated pay stubs and I forgot to disburse tips?
If you forget to disburse tips before generating pay stubs, you will need to delete the pay stubs, then generate new pay stubs that include the tips.
Q: My staff pay rates were adjusted. How do I update pay stubs I already generated?
After updating pay rates, if you need to update any existing pay stubs to use the new rates, you will need to delete those pay stubs and then regenerate new pay stubs. The updated rates will appear on the newly generated pay stubs.
Q: I raised pay rates in the middle of the pay period. Why is my staff being paid the new rate for all of the events that occurred before I raised rates?
The rates used to calculate staff pay are the rates set at the time the pay stub is generated. If you want to pay staff the old pay rate for some of the events on their pay stub, you can manually edit the pay stub and change the pay for those events. See Step Two: Review & Edit above for instructions.