Editing Single Events

After an event is scheduled, it is common for the details of an event to be edited or updated before the service takes place. Time To Pet offers bulk methods for editing or updating events using Bulk Edit and Bulk Update. However, we also support editing a single event in a service order. In this article, we will cover the methods for editing individual events.

Editing Events From The Scheduler

To edit an event from your calendar, navigate to the Scheduler and click the event you would like to edit. A smaller window will appear with the options for "Cancel Event", "Delete Event", or "Edit Event".

Scheduler view with smaller window show with event details and a red arrow pointing to blue

After clicking "Edit Event", the service order for the event will be shown near the top of the page, and details for the event will be shown below.
Note: If other events in the service order need to be updated, click "Edit" to the right of the event to load their details below the service order.

Service order with listed events and an event's details shown below

The fields you can edit include the following:
When - When the service is scheduled for
Service - The service type(s) for the event
Staff/User - The staff/user assigned to the event
Pets - The pets that will be a part of the event
Extras - Where Extra Pet, Holiday, After Hours, and Weekend Fees can be configured
Status - Where an event can be marked as Scheduled, Completed, or Cancelled
Client Time Display - The time shown to the client
*This field is only available when exact times are hidden through the Schedule Block Settings
Notes - The notes that will display when viewing an event in the portal or mobile app
Note: Need to edit events in bulk? Check out our Bulk Edit and Bulk Update help articles for more information!

Editing Events Using Drag and Drop

Our scheduling tool allows dragging and dropping events directly on the calendar. This functionality is also supported in Timeline View.

When viewing the Scheduler, click and hold on to an event. Move the event up or down to adjust the time for the event.

animation of event being moved up and down on scheduler

To resize an event, click the bottom half of an event and drag it up or down to adjust.

Animation of an event being resized on scheduler

Note: Worried about moving or resizing events by mistake? You can enable a warning through your Scheduler Settings.

warning shown when moving an event on the scheduler

Editing Events From Daily Summary

Time To Pet also supports editing events through the Daily Summary. In this section, you are able to reassign events or adjust the time for an event. To edit these details, click the pencil icon with the item you would like to edit.

Daily summary page with arrows pointing to pencil icon within the date and staff columns.

Daily summary page with time being edited

Daily Summary page with assigned sitter being edited

After making an edit, save your changes by clicking the disk icon.
Note: Events can also be reassigned through Geo Schedule. Check out our help article for more information: Geo Schedule & Map Staff Schedule.
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