Marking A Staff Member As Inactive

When a staff member is no longer working for your company, you may need to remove their access to Time To Pet. Marking a staff member as Inactive is very simple in Time To Pet. You can do this by navigating to the staff member's profile page, clicking the blue Quick Actions button, and selecting "Make Inactive":

Staff profile with an arrow pointing to the Make Inactive option on the blue Quick Actions menu

Time To Pet will then ask you who you would like to re-assign this staff member's scheduled events, templates, and preferred sitter settings. This is a tool we built to prevent any missed events. For example, if this staff member has a scheduled event next week, it will be automatically re-assigned to the staff member you select. If you are not sure who to re-assign these events to, you can re-assign them to an Admin instead.

Note: Re-assigning past visits can negatively affect your reporting and auditing if these events are not marked as "Completed" first. 

Pop up window that appears after selecting Mark Inactive from the Quick Actions menu to reassign scheduled events

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I was trying to mark a user/staff as inactive but got a message saying they had an incomplete visit in the past. How can I find it to mark it as complete?

You can view a user/staff’s assigned events and their status (Scheduled, Completed, or Cancelled) from their user/staff profile under the “Schedule” and “Services” tabs.

  1. The "Schedule" tab:

screenshot of a user/staff's schedule on their profile page with an arrow pointing at the schedule tab

  1. The "Services" tab:

screenshot of a user/staff's services they have completed on their profile page with an arrow pointing at the services tab

You can also view a list of all company events that are shown as incomplete through Reporting > Schedule > Overdue Events. From the staff/user profile or through this report, visits can be marked as "Complete".

screenshot of the Overdue Events report

Q: Is it possible to mark past events as complete in bulk?

Yes, you are able to change the status of events in bulk using Bulk Update. When using bulk update to change the status of events, we recommend filtering the calendar by the staff member that will be made inactive. We also suggest having "Hide Cancelled" checked off to prevent any canceled events from being accidentally selected for the bulk update.

Please Note: Changing the status of a canceled event to "Completed" or "Scheduled" can adversely impact client invoices. We recommend reviewing all selections prior to applying a bulk update.

After events are selected, you will use the "Change Status" option and set the status to "Completed" within the bulk update tool.

Q: Am I able to generate a paystub/invoice for a user that has been made inactive?

If a user has been made inactive, you can still generate a pay stub for the inactive user by going to their profile. An inactive user profile can be accessed by going to the Staff List and selecting the "View Inactive Staff" button at the bottom of the page:

Staff list with arrow pointing to View Inactive Staff button

After selecting the inactive user, you will be able to generate the pay stub by going to the "Pay Stubs" (or "Invoices") tab.

View of Pay Stubs tab in Staff Profile  with arrow pointing to Generate Pay Stubs button

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