Pet Settings
The options found under Settings > Client Settings > Pets allow you to configure different aspects of the pets that are in your care. Primarily, this section allows you to create and manage automated pet birthday reminder emails.
Check out this video from our Onboarding Team on your company's Pet Settings!
Pet Birthday Reminders
Time To Pet supports the ability to send you automated pet birthday reminder emails. These are helpful if you send clients pet birthday cards or just want to be aware of upcoming pet birthdays.
Send Reminders - By default, you will be sent a reminder by email three days before the pet’s birthday. You can change this to be one day or all the way up to seven days in advance of the birthday, depending on your preferences.
Send Reminders To - By default, reminders will be sent to every administrator and every staff member with access to this client. You can toggle who will be sent birthday reminders between “Admin & Staff With Access” and “Admins Only”.
Once you have set your settings to your liking, click "Save Changes".
Disabling Birthday Reminders
To disable birthday reminders, simply set the Send Reminders option to “Never Send”.