Building An Estimate Or Quote For Services

Creating a quote for services can be a great tool to have in your arsenal when speaking with a prospective client or helping an existing client budget for their trip. Time To Pet offers a way to create a customized quote for services without impacting a client's account or causing scheduling confusion.

Begin by creating a fake "Estimates" client for a prospective client, or for better auditing and tracking, use the actual client’s profile.

New Estimates client created

Schedule the services for which the client wishes to be quoted.

Shows service order for quoted services

Edit the invoice note by clicking the pencil icon and change the note to reflect that the balance generated is only a quote.

Client Invoice Note indicated

Save the PDF invoice file to your device by clicking the green "Download" button at the bottom of the invoice and rename the PDF file to "Estimate For [Client Name] [Dates]"

Shows download button in the invoice

Delete all events on this invoice.

shows bulk edit tool to delete events

Send the PDF to the client via the client's Conversation Feed or Private Feed, or via email or text outside of Time To Pet if they do not have a client account.

Finally, save the PDF to the client documents for record keeping.

indicates the client document upload form

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